Tag Archives: New Canaan CT Maternity Photography

Connecticut CT Milk Bath Maternity Photos

Beautiful milk bath maternity photograph with pink roses

Are you looking for the best milk bath maternity photographers? Located a short drive from southern Connecticut, the studio of Robert Austin Fitch photography is located in Ridgewood NJ in Bergen County (07450). The newly renovated 700 sq ft photo studio is bright, relaxed and comfortable.  There’s a kitchen, bathroom, seating area with 3 couches...

CT Maternity Photography CT Pregnancy Photographers

Since probably 95% of the women I work with aren’t professional models, almost all of them have some degree of nervous energy before their shoot.  One of my biggest joys is coaxing my more reserved clients just a little bit out of their comfort zones, so they too can have gorgeous photographs of themselves and...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003


info@robfitch.com @robertaustinfitch