Tag Archives: NJ Newborn Baby Photography

Beautiful Newborn & Baby Photography in New Jersey

Being asked by new parents to preserve in photographs the joy and unconditional love they feel for their baby is so deeply rewarding… When woven with personal memories, truly great photographs take on a magical quality. They become vivid reminders of life’s most amazing experiences, capturing the memory of moments in our lives that fill...

NJ Baby Photographers NJ Newborn Baby Photography

Quick quiz:  1. What’s this baby’s name?  2. What’s this baby’s favorite baseball team?  (for now) Professional New Jersey newborn baby photographer Robert Austin Fitch specializes in artistic newborn and baby photography in NJ.  Call Rob today to discuss setting up an artistic newborn baby photography session in the comfort of your New Jersey home...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003


info@robfitch.com @robertaustinfitch