Category Archives: Brooklyn Baby Photography

NYC Newborn Baby Photography in Brooklyn

Brooklyn NY newborn baby photography

I always ask new parents I work with if there is anything “surprising” about being a parent…the answer I most often hear is that they just can’t believe how much they love their baby.  It’s a distinct privilege to be asked to help capture love so big.  Hope you love the photographs!  Professional Brooklyn New...

NYC Newborn Baby Photographer Brooklyn NY

By 3-4 months of age, babies have hit the developmental milestone of smiles.  Baby smiles and giggles are the best, but so are the other expressions.  This little girl has one of the most angelic smiling faces I’ve photographed but just as adorable is the rolled lip quiver just prior to a little cry.  Babies...

Brooklyn NY Baby Photography …”Beautiful Brooklyn Baby”

Often times, the best photographs come from simple positions…As with this beautiful Brooklyn baby & new mom.   Professional Brooklyn New York baby photographer Robert Austin Fitch specializes in artistic newborn and baby photography.  Call Rob today to discuss setting up an artistic newborn baby photography session at your Brooklyn home (201.658.8076).  He can walk...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003 @robertaustinfitch