NYC Maternity Photos with Husband Follow Rob on IG to see his latest work – click here.
Pregnancy Photography with Husband Couples Maternity Photo Shoot Photographing couples expecting a baby is such a privilege and joy… Few things in life are as thrilling as the anticipation of welcoming a new life into the world. Take the time to schedule a couples maternity photo shoot you’ll be glad you did. Be sure to...
Including your spouse or significant other can add a fun and playful dimension to your maternity photo session… This fantastic couple was not only a joy to work with but took some amazing photographs together. Artistic couples maternity photo session by Robert Austin Fitch – Specializing in photographing the joy and beauty of pregnancy through photography. Available throughout...
Couples maternity photographs can be so amazing, beautiful and fun to shoot, especially with couples like this… Professional couples pregnancy photo sessions by Robert Austin Fitch – Specializing in the creation of some of the finest artistic pregnancy photography in the NYC, NJ, LI & CT area. Call Rob today to discuss setting up a...
The silhouette lighting used to create my signature maternity photographs of pregnant women works just as beautifully with pregnant couples. Professional couples maternity photographer Robert Austin Fitch specializes in creating some of the most beautiful & artistic couples maternity photography in the country. Call Rob today to discuss setting up an artistic couples pregnancy...
About a third of my maternity sessions are surprises for the spouse…and many more are first babies. So its great to have the chance to photograph an enthusiastic child and loving father in the in the same maternity photo shoot. Professional NYC Maternity Photographer Robert Austin Fitch specializes in creating artistic couples maternity photography...
Couples Maternity Photos NYC NJ South African photographer Lizelle Lotter’s wonderful maternity photograph of her brother and sister-in-law is one of the most popular couples maternity photos on Pinterest today. Recreating “lightning in a bottle” shots is never easy…even when they’re my own. Reinterpreted in silhouette form, with an amazing couple from New York City,...
Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC
best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003
info@robfitch.com @robertaustinfitch