Tag Archives: Ridgewood NJ pregnancy photos

Beautiful New Jersey Maternity Photo Shoot

B&W Silhouette Maternity Photo of Pregnant Woman with White Fabric Draping

New Jersey Maternity Photo Shoot Robert Austin Fitch Photography A really great maternity photo shoot should not only capture the beauty of your pregnancy but also the joy & anticipation of welcoming a newborn baby into the world.  Maternity photo sessions can be photographed in the comfort of your home or can be taken in...

NJ Maternity Photographer NJ Artistic Pregnancy Photos

One of the primary goals of my artistic NJ maternity photography is to strike a balance between highlighting the beautiful form of a pregnant woman’s body while maintaining levels of modesty which vary among clients.  Sheer negligee works beautifully to highlight form while also maintaining a degree of modesty. This artistic sepia toned silhouette is...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003


info@robfitch.com @robertaustinfitch