Maternity Photographers New York City NY Among NYC Maternity Photographers, Rob’s artistic silhouette maternity photography stands out… stunning, timeless and classic. Follow Rob’s latest work on Instagram – click here.
Visually, nothing accentuates the amazing curves & lines of a pregnant woman’s body quite like silhouette lighting. When perfected, this lighting technique produces maternity photography that is stunningly beautiful. A sheer blouse or negligee perfectly compliments silhouette lighting for pregnancy photographs creating images that are sheer beauty to behold. Be sure to follow Rob...
The beautiful lines of a silhouetted pregnant woman are at once, amazing in their simplicity and profound in their promise of new life. Helping women capture this amazing time in their lives, is both a joy & a privilege for me. Follow Rob’s latest work on Pinterest – Click here! Robert Austin Fitch specializes in...
Here’s a great example of how a single image can be cropped in more than one way to produce 3 amazingly beautiful & unique photographs… Just a little sneak peak from this shoot. Much more to come…. Professional Maternity Photography by Robert Austin Fitch, specializing in the creation of some of the finest artistic maternity...
Many of the photographs I present to my clients are shown cropped in more than one way. This particular maternity photo was shown nearly full length as well as with this tighter crop. By focusing on the smile and tummy, the viewer of this beautiful image is drawn into the emotional bond between mother and...
One of the primary goals of my artistic NJ maternity photography is to strike a balance between highlighting the beautiful form of a pregnant woman’s body while maintaining levels of modesty which vary among clients. Sheer negligee works beautifully to highlight form while also maintaining a degree of modesty. This artistic sepia toned silhouette is...
Fine art silhouette maternity photography is incredibly beautiful and very forgiving at the same time…Highlights and warm mid-tones flatter and accentuate all of the amazing curves of the pregnant form while rich shadows add depth and interest to the photographs. When combined with expert editing and retouching, artistic silhouette photography is the perfect technique for...
Like clock work, the same question almost always comes up prior to every maternity shoot I photograph…”should I smile”… The answer I give is always the same – of course you should smile! I pride myself on making my clients completely comfortable during their maternity photo shoot. Fine Art Maternity Photography is so much more...
Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC
best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003
info@robfitch.com @robertaustinfitch