Category Archives: Best Maternity Photography

Bergen County NJ Maternity Photographer

Best Maternity Photographer in New Jersey NJ

Best Bergen County NJ Maternity Photographer Rob and his family have called the village of Ridgewood in Bergen County New Jersey home for over 20 years.  Founded in 2003, Robert Austin Fitch Photography’s artistic maternity and newborn photography studio is conveniently located in northern New Jersey in Ridgewood NJ (07450).  If you’d prefer to do...

Professional Maternity Photography Studio

Professional maternity photography NYC NJ CT LI

Professional Maternity Photography Studio at home… By bringing professional studio lighting and backdrops to the comfort of your home, Rob makes taking amazingly beautiful maternity photos like this one simple!  For a full range of maternity photo shoot ideas, check out Rob’s Maternity Photo Gallery.   Instagram page – click here…   Pinterest page –...

Artistic Maternity Photography

Artistic Maternity Photography Artistic Pregnancy Photos

Artistic Maternity Photography Studio NYC, NJ, CT I just love this beautiful silhouette maternity photo… the simplicity, the lines and especially the stunning eyes!    Instagram page – click here…   Pinterest page – click here…    

Beautiful Maternity Photography Images

Until I started specializing in maternity photography a little over 10 years ago, I didn’t fully appreciate how amazing a pregnant woman could look… Beautiful light, a simple fabric wrap and a focus on the bond between mother and baby combine to create magical images that can be passed down through generations.   Among New York (NYC)...

Artistic Maternity Photography

The special lighting technique I use to create my signature silhouette maternity photographs is surprising versatile.  A relatively small change in the angle from where I shoot the image, coupled with some dark fabric, dramatically changes the look and feel of the photograph. Accentuating the beautiful curves of the pregnant form in highlight and shadow....

Maternity Photography Artistic Pregnancy Photos

Maternity photography Maternity poses

Classic poses, beautiful lighting and a simply radiant mom-to-be, equals one beautiful group of artistic maternity photographs…   Professional maternity photography by Robert Austin Fitch Photography – specializing in the creation of some of the finest artistic pregnancy photography in the NYC, NJ, CT & LI region.  Call Rob Fitch today to discuss setting up...

Maternity Photography

Maternity Photography has been a photographic passion of mine for many years. Over that time, I’ve worked with hundreds of women and have built an amazing portfolio of maternity photography.  To follow, are some of my favorite artistic silhouette maternity photos from over the years… Professional Maternity Photographer Robert Austin Fitch specializes in creating artistic...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003 @robertaustinfitch