Category Archives: BErgen County NJ Baby Photographers NJ Baby Photos

Bergen County NJ Maternity Photographer

Best Maternity Photographer in New Jersey NJ

Best Bergen County NJ Maternity Photographer Rob and his family have called the village of Ridgewood in Bergen County New Jersey home for over 20 years.  Founded in 2003, Robert Austin Fitch Photography’s artistic maternity and newborn photography studio is conveniently located in northern New Jersey in Ridgewood NJ (07450).  If you’d prefer to do...

Baby photography in New Jersey

Professional baby photos in NJ

Between 3 and 4 months is when most babies start making those wonderful gummy smiles and giggle at their parent’s funny faces.  This special time is when the baby “still looks like a baby”,  but his personally really starts to shine.  20 years from now, his parents will look back at these pictures and remember...

New Jersey newborn photography – 4 beautiful boys…

I had the privilege recently of working with a wonderful family here in New Jersey. The three older brothers couldn’t have been prouder of their newborn baby brother.  It’s alway so wonderful to see siblings welcome a newborn baby to the family and doubly so when there’s this much love… Professional New Jersey newborn baby...

NJ Newborn Baby Photographers Beautiful NJ Baby Photos

NJ Baby Photographers

When a newborn baby smiles, you just can’t help but smile yourself!  Enjoy… Professional New Jersey newborn baby photographer Robert Austin Fitch specializes in artistic newborn photos and baby photography in NJ.  Call Rob today to discuss setting up a newborn baby photography session in the comfort of your New Jersey home (201.658.8076).  He can...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003 @robertaustinfitch