Category Archives: Ridgewood NJ newborn baby photography

New Jersey Newborn Baby Photographer

Mother Baby Baby Photo Bergen County NJ

I always encourage parents of newborns and babies to be in at least some of the photographs. Bring a baby home is a hectic time and a newborn photo shoot can seem daunting but don’t worry, they don’t have to be stressful… Take the time to schedule a newborn or baby photo shoot because these are...

New Jersey newborn photography – 4 beautiful boys…

I had the privilege recently of working with a wonderful family here in New Jersey. The three older brothers couldn’t have been prouder of their newborn baby brother.  It’s alway so wonderful to see siblings welcome a newborn baby to the family and doubly so when there’s this much love… Professional New Jersey newborn baby...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003 @robertaustinfitch