Category Archives: Milk bath baby shoot NJ

How to take milk bath maternity photos

How to take beautiful milk bath maternity photos NYC NJ CT

How to take milk bath maternity photos… DIY tips for a great shoot! Milk bath tub maternity photos NJ, The best Milk bath photographers CT, Milk bath maternity session ideas NYC, Milk bath photo shoot ideas. How to take milk bath tub maternity photos DIY tips, tricks. Many articles online offer advice on how to...

Milk bath photo shoot with baby NYC NJ CT

Milk bath baby photo shoot NYC NJ CT Robert Austin Fitch Photography

A milk bath photo shoot with your baby is a fun, beautiful and unique way to capture amazing baby photos.  Photographed with with professional studio lighting in Rob’s northern NJ studio, baby milk bath sessions offer something different.  If your baby likes bath time, they’ll absolutely love the shoot.  The temperature of the water is...

Maternity & Baby Milk Bath Photo Sessions NJ NYC

NJ NYC Milk bath maternity photographer photos New Jersey New York City

Milk bath maternity & baby milk bath photo sessions in NJ by Robert Austin Fitch Photography.  Are you looking for a unique and absolutely beautiful way to capture your pregnancy or newborn baby in photos? Look no further than a milk bath maternity or baby milk bath session photographed in Rob’s northern NJ studio.  These relaxing...

New Jersey Milk Bath Maternity Photographer Robert Austin Fitch

New Jersey Milk Bath Maternity Pregnancy Photography Photos

New Jersey professional milk bath photographer Robert Austin Fitch photographs discerning pregnant women from throughout NJ in his Bergen County photo studio.  Organic coconut milk and fresh cut flowers crete a spa like environment for your milk bath maternity photo session.  Lay back and relax… let the beautiful light bathe over you while Rob takes...

Milk Bath Baby Photos New Jersey NYC

Beautiful Milk Bath Baby Photo with Roses by Robert Austin Fitch Photography

Milk Bath Baby Photos New Jersey NYC Milk bath newborn & baby photo sessions are ideally photographed in Rob’s northern New Jersey studio located in Ridgewood NJ. Organic coconut milk, beautiful fresh cut flowers and warm water create a spa like experience for you and your baby. You’ll think you were in a tropical spa...

Robert Austin Fitch Photography, LLC


best maternity photographer nj NYC CT Milk BAth Maternity Photos and newborn baby PHOTOGRAPHy since 2003 @robertaustinfitch